Friday, February 14, 2014

Never Having To Say You’re Not Sorry

Recently, a college basketball player from Oklahoma State, the visiting team, chased a ball into the Texas Tech stands.
A fan screamed at him, “You’re a piece of crap.”
The player went after the fan until he was pulled off by teammates.
The next day, speaking from a podium, the player said, “I really do apologize for it. This is not how I conduct myself.”
The fan, speaking to the media said, “I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere apologies…my actions last night …do not reflect myself….”

So, we have both men telling us that they are truly not the people who they apparently are.
Dissected, their apologies explain that they are sorry for the thing that they did, but it wasn’t really them who did it.

The comedian, Flip Wilson, had an explanation for such behavior.
Call it the apology-denial.
It’s  become   big business in America…our newest cottage industry.
Employed like   Houdini’s escape act, finalize any action with an apology, sprinkle on some denial, and expect the straightjacket to drop to the ground.

The drunks who massacre people on our highways, the public servants who get caught with pockets full of illegal cash, the politicians who can’t keep their ethics straight or their pants up (Yes… it’s always pants), the pious who practice things they'd never preach, all use it.

Of course, the ‘Sorrys’ always come after the headlines, never before.

Yes, I rammed a pencil into your eye, but, after all, I did say that if I hurt anyone by my action, I’m truly sorry.

Now the ball is in your court.
Be a patrician and accept it.


The Political Impaler said...

Right on the mark. Bulls eye.

quicksand said...

May I say thank you, for stabbing me in the eye? Loved it, as always!

Dina Isola

quicksand said...

I second that emotion. You probably know of this case but I have been sitting in on the Federal corruption trial of Assemblyman William Boyland. What a sleazy, scumball this guy (and his Dad, a former Assemblyman whose seat William took). Boyland got ensnared in the investigation of the original target of the Feds,City Councilman Al Vann, who represents the same area of Brooklyn.

While attending the trial, a former co-worker's name came up. He was the Director of a program funded in part by a Boyland "member item" bill.

The sad thing is that this guy and others like him continue to be elected/re-elected.

jim (formerly Ben's friend) said...

I didn't do it, unless you have pictures, then I'm so sorry.

jim (formerly Ben's friend) said...

I did not have sex with that girl. Anyway she looked much older.